Military thing idk (READ BODY TEXT)

"The military wants you to sign up now!"

You spot a military recruitment poster nearby a store, somewhere in Nevada.

The rules are basically the same as the rental mansion thingy, but this time the rules will be a little different.

This time, I'll be putting you guys in a uniform, and I'll at least pose you guys where you want to be, or you can ask where to be put.

Another thing, NO UNREALISTIC AVATARS. This includes Sebastian solace in a red dress, furries, troll avatars, goobers, bla bla bla.. You get the point, just wear normal, human, avatars.

(Note: I'm sorry for the people I offended who don't have other avatars beside unrealistic ones, forgive me plsss!!!)

(Side note: I'm gonna be doing this tomorrow, because I'm literally gonna go to bed as I am writing this, so yeah.)