My ranking of River's films

I spent the last few weeks watching all of his films. Some of you may not agree with my choices! I had a hard time ranking the top 6 films.

Also, I didn't rank Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, as I felt that since River had what amounted to a small cameo appearance it wasn't fair to rank it alongside the others. I also didn't rank any TV appearances, including made-for-TV movies.

  1. Stand By Me (nothing competes with this IMO. It's an almost entirely perfect film and River's performance is the standout of the entire movie)

  2. Dogfight (just a masterful film and very nearly tied for the top spot)

  3. The Thing Called Love (based on some reviews and posts I've read here I did not expect to enjoy this as much as I did)

  4. Dark Blood (if this had been completed it might have been his best performance)

  5. My Own Private Idaho (I know, I know! I actually really loved this film though, so don't hate me for putting it's just that I liked the ones ahead even more)

  6. Running on Empty

  7. The Mosquito Coast

  8. A Night in the Life of Jimmy Reardon

  9. Little Nikita

  10. I Love You to Death

  11. Explorers

  12. Sneakers

  13. Silent Tongue