Anyone knows a let's play by someone who is invested in their colonists?
Pretty much the question. As entertaining as it is to watch someone very skilled in the game, like AdamvsEverything or PeteComplete, those kinds of players have one thing lacking -- they are relatively detached from their colonists.
This dude's mother died from hypothermia? Oh well.
That child wandered into my colony? Her stats suck, let me feed her to my ghoul.
I mean, I understand that desensitization comes with having countless hundreds of hours in the game, so I don't blame them, but it kinda makes me wonder if there are content creators for this game that go the opposite way.
Y'know, do stuff like come up with biographies for their colonists, cheer when things work out for them, get upset when things go badly, spent time and effort to give proper burials to their pawns, try to research things like xenogenetics and cyberimplants to fix health issues and give more fulfilling life to their colonists and so on and so forth.
Edit: typo.