New to Red Dead online?
If you are a new player that is looking for a gang to join. You should join The Plattino gang.
What we offer We offer a group of non-toxic people who are willing to help you grind money XP and help you fulfill your true potential.
Requirements You need to have discord And you need to have a mic those are our only requirements
How to join
If you are interested DM me on here or on discord Discord: mrmeme8061
If you are a new player that is looking for a gang to join. You should join The Plattino gang.
What we offer We offer a group of non-toxic people who are willing to help you grind money XP and help you fulfill your true potential.
Requirements You need to have discord And you need to have a mic those are our only requirements
How to join
If you are interested DM me on here or on discord Discord: mrmeme8061