The robotaxi economy you probably won't want to be a part of as an individual owner.
Many people seem to be sold on a car that will pay itself off through the futuristic robotaxi concept over the last 8+ years. Make all the money of ubering, without ubering yourself, your car is working for you. Makes sense, simple enough. But this is just first order level of thinking, you need to consider the derivatives - the economy if a million of robotaxis actually come on the market at once may cause.
Assuming that it actually comes out, it might work out to be profitable for short while. If you consider the robotaxi 'economy', you all of a sudden have one of the worlds previously most popular cars across the market flooding the robotaxi ecosystem. Supply could exceed demand. Let's say it doesn't, and there is decent money to be made, you will now see taxi fleets take Tesla's (both new and used), and modify them with plastic seats, with plastic protectors, with additional interior recording, etc. They'll be optimized for profit and to offer lower rates than competing individual owners.
Owners will start to realize that it isn't 'worth' letting your vehicle taxi itself between the mileage, hassle, wear, insurance, etc. when the pay is low enough for the fleet vehicles compete for the business. Or arguably, just that one time it gets in an accident while you're unaware of it and you start having to rent your own vehicle.
This is all theoretical, we don't have robotaxis out yet and it's hard to say, but it ain't going to be all rainbows and sunshine.