
I always enjoy discovering rare minerals in new locations, this was one of my lucky discoveries: Uramphite, rare hydrated ammonium uranyl phosphate(uranium "mica" with ammonium)from 3rd world occurence Nová Ves pod Pleší, Czech republic, Uramphite forms well developed crystals up to 1 mm. We described this interesting occurrence here: http://www.jgeosci.org/detail/jgeosci.395/abstract/

I always enjoy discovering rare minerals in new locations, this was one of my lucky discoveries: Uramphite, rare hydrated ammonium uranyl phosphate(uranium "mica" with ammonium)from 3rd world occurence Nová Ves pod Pleší, Czech republic, Uramphite forms well developed crystals up to 1 mm. We described this interesting occurrence here: http://www.jgeosci.org/detail/jgeosci.395/abstract/