The Sot-Weed Factor by John Barth
This was my first read of 2025. I read the 1967 revision which took out 50 pages compared to the 1960 original (still a 750pp book). I think it is the only version available unless you find a first edition somewhere.
I can see why this book has somewhat disappeared from the list of big reads (other than strange places like here). It's way too much and the payoff isn't worth it. It's incredibly funny in places and beyond horny, but it takes more than that to carry 750 pages. The plotting is tight, but "one disaster after another" wears thin, and the soap opera style "character X turns out to be character Y" twists get old.
When Pynchon published Mason & Dixon, supposedly he sent a signed copy to Barth for being part of the inspiration. I would say M&D surpasses Sot-Weed and you're better off reading it instead.