Banned for unknown reasons.
Okay, I need help. I thought this would be a temp ban but it turned out to be a perma ban (its been about 4 months now). I posted something semi-political. I just said that riots don't create peace. I had an argument with a former friend, and she basically ordered a raid on my account, and I got over 900 comments on this activity post filled with people who were threatening my life, calling me slurs, ect. There were about 15-20 different people all spamming at once. I wanted to keep the post up so the admins could see the comments, but everyone had already reported me for "hateful speech", and my account ended up being banned. Ill post the exact activity post I made here. "Asian lives matter, white lives matter, black lives matter, hispanic lives matter; rioting won't cure hate, only peace will." If youre an admin, I request that you dm me, and help me get sorted, and explain to me why I was banned. I thank you for reading this.