I'm sure if I'll be able to play anymore
I accidentally transfered gw2 to my hard drive and since then, I have not found a way to play the game at all I tried:
•Moving it back to my PCs main hard drive
•Verifying the game files several times
•attempted to delete the EA and reinstalling it
•Uninstalling and reinstalling EAanticheat
•delete gw2 remains on my second hard drive
•deleting garden warfare 2 off frosty mod manager regestories
•uninstalling reinstalling the game multiple times
•checking my bans because I mod the game to find nothing
•changing the downlod directories from the ea app to steamapps
•the repair button from the ea installer
But despite all of this, nothing worked and I have run out of ideas and planning to find away to have a fresh reinstall even if it cost me my nearly 200 hour save file if I can't solve it and if anyone is wondering why I don't play this game anymore on pc, it's because this game refuses to work and all that happens is that mocking "some features may have been disabled because the ea app launched from another application" notification when it sends me back to the ea app