Cured my 10+ year long prostatitis
After many many years of suffering from what I thought was prostatitis.
(burning urination in the morning, rectum pain, balls pain, painful ejaculation sometimes, occasional chills, fevers, etc)
And after many negative urine and sperm tests and many courses of antibiotics... Doctors said I had nothing and that it was just in my head.
I went to the pharmacy to get a deparasitant like I do every two years (living in central america). This time they gave me a new one called nitazoxanide (500g "La santé" brand).
The second day of taking it my urine was a radioactive yellow. I masturbated and the semen was also radioactive yellow and it burnt like 10000 suns.
Forward 7 months to today. I've had absolutely none of the symptoms, symptoms that I got accostumed to and thought I would have to endure for the rest of my life, cured in 3 days by pure luck.
TLDR: Nitazoxanide cured me