Low Income Housing Tax Credit - recieved a raise during my lease and now they're doing a mid-year financial audit

I'm freaking out a little bit - I've lived in a low-income housing tax credit unit for the past 4 years and today i recieved a notice that they're doing random audits and need me to re-verify my income. When I first moved in, I made very little and provided pay stubs, bank accounts, etc. to prove my income.

But every year that I've resigned the lease, they never asked for me to re-verify my income. I just signed a paper during the lease signing and that was that.

In January I re-signed my lease. In February I recieved a very good salary bump that put me out of the income threshold and it was technically retroactive to January. But I had already signed the lease and assumed I could stay until the end of the lease, but now I'm not sure. Looking at my lease, it's very vague and just says that the landlord can evict a tenant if they are found to be no longer a qualified tenant. There's nothing about updating them if my income increased during my lease term, but I'm also seeing in online forums tenants should report income increases within 30 days?

I'm assuming they're going to kick me out, but is it going to be a court ordered eviction or can I voluntarily mutually terminate the lease without it going to the court?