$1k in my first 2 months!
Hey everyone! Recently found out about Prolific through the beermoney Reddit forum, and wow! This has been a great little side hustle to do during down time! I have found myself leaving the site up non stop and constantly checking for new surveys.
Feeling quite proud and had to jump on here to share this milestone. I’ve been lurking in here for some time, so thank you everyone for the tips and advice. First survey was completed on Sept 17th, and I just hit the $1k mark 2 months & 2 days in. Averaging a bit over $125 a week and typically only do surveys Mon-Fri.
My only complaint thus far is how quickly surveys go! There are so many times that if I don’t accept a survey within 2-3 seconds of it appearing, it’s gone. I assume I’m not the only one in this boat, but any suggestions on how to get more surveys or ways to maximize your time on here would be appreciated!
Cheers to a remote side gig to help pay the bills and make budgeting for Christmas a bit more manageable. If anyone has questions shoot them my way!
And yes, I’m transferring it to my PayPal right now 😬
Hey everyone! Recently found out about Prolific through the beermoney Reddit forum, and wow! This has been a great little side hustle to do during down time! I have found myself leaving the site up non stop and constantly checking for new surveys.
Feeling quite proud and had to jump on here to share this milestone. I’ve been lurking in here for some time, so thank you everyone for the tips and advice. First survey was completed on Sept 17th, and I just hit the $1k mark 2 months & 2 days in. Averaging a bit over $125 a week and typically only do surveys Mon-Fri.
My only complaint thus far is how quickly surveys go! There are so many times that if I don’t accept a survey within 2-3 seconds of it appearing, it’s gone. I assume I’m not the only one in this boat, but any suggestions on how to get more surveys or ways to maximize your time on here would be appreciated!
Cheers to a remote side gig to help pay the bills and make budgeting for Christmas a bit more manageable. If anyone has questions shoot them my way!
And yes, I’m transferring it to my PayPal right now 😬