How does thess make sense with Mizuki being a boy?

I rarely meet people on this subreddit who believe that Mizuki is a boy, but some do, or at least see why others think it. I can't see how people think that, some things just make zero sense with Mizuki being a boy.

  • Her covering her mirror?? If they're a crossdresser, they embrace their masculinity and have no problem at looking at their masculine self
  • The "girls" text in her I nan desu card. Why would a boy have something on their card saying girls??
  • This line in idsmile (badly quoted) "dressing up as what I like, it's part of my identity" - crossdressing is a clothing style, not an identity. The whole "identity" thing doesn't make sense if they're a boy
  • Her not telling Ena, in Japan, being trans is "weirder" than being a crossdresser. Japan is relatively supportive towards crossdressers, why would she not say it?
  • The repeating colour palette pink, white and blue, it's obviously repeating itself throughout her fragment sekai, her cards...

If you think Mizuki is a crossdresser OR see why people think it, feel free to explain these! Thank you!

Her covered mirror during middle school time

Cropped I nan desu card

Idsmile lyrics

Colorfes card in that scheme