Valentines Anthology: Iron and Velvet
Petra and Calliphone sat together in her new study, Calliphone had it built well after her sister’s departure. She watched Petra work on a little toy Astartes. It had been quite some time since they saw each other, Petra made note of the strands of gray and wrinkles. Calliphone didn’t take it personally. She noticed the wrought iron band on Petra’s finger. She realized that Aristides was wearing a similar ring.
Calliphone: How could you?!
Petra: How could I?
Calliphone: Deny me my sisterly duty as your maid of honor.
Petra’s visible confusion turned into a sheepish expression.
Petra: We…hadn’t discussed such affairs…
Calliphone: Well that won’t do at all.
Petra: Such things are unnecessary, it will take time away from the crusade.
Calliphone: Dearest sister, do you love this man?
Petra: yes.
Calliphone: Then why not commemorate it? You took time out of your great work to visit me and it’s not as if you’ll be here forever-
Petra: Stop…Fine, you may organize the event. Father always came to you for such things.
Word soon spread through the palace of Calliphone ordering materials and organizing the servants for some kind of event. When it reached Aristides he knew exactly what Calliphone was planning, she had joked about it often during their talks.They had never discussed such events, they had been so busy during the crusade they never had time. Then again they had never discussed being parents, yet they had 10’000 sons that he felt nothing but pride for. He wouldn’t admit it but young Barabas Dantioch was his favorite. Aristides did love Petra, he had assumed she would consider such an event a luxury ill afford at best or frivolous at worst. If Calliphone managed to get her to agree then he thought it best to make his own preparations. Later that day a servant came to Petra with a scroll from Aristides, it was a location near the mountains. It was so out of the way of any trade routes that they’d be completely alone.
Petra: Trinket, I received your message.
Aristides: I’m glad you made it. There is something I wish to discuss.
She noticed Aristides hiding something behind his back, it was in his mechanical hand meaning he didn’t want anyone to see what was. Then he got on one knee before and held out his closed hand and presented her with a banded ring made of Tanzanite. Much to Petra’s shock.
Petra: Tanzanite? How did you-
Aristides: It’s not that hard if you know who to ask… Petra, this ring represents what you mean to me. A rare and valuable element in my life that I would never replace. Will you-
Petra: Yes. To ask would be pointless.
Aristides chuckled, he knew that would be her response but getting her to say yes was enough. He slipped the ring on Petra’s finger, replacing the wrought iron ring. He kissed her hand and stood up, escorting her back to the palace, Petra shut herself away in her study and hadn’t left the rest of the day. The next day, Aristides walked past the garden and noticed Petra directing some iron warriors through a project. He can tell that she was tense, a look of abject horror on her face.
Aristides: smiles Another pet project?
Petra: A venue…
Aristides: Angled perfectly to align with the sunrise and sunset.
Petra: Of course…
Aristides: What seems to be the matter my dear?
Petra: I had convened with Calliphone earlier… She showed me the guest list.
Aristides knew what she was going to say, there was only a select group that could get this kind of reaction from his beloved.
Aristides: Would it be so bad to have your other sisters attend?
Petra: Yes. Especially Regalia. What good could possibly come from inviting them?
Aristides: That’s precisely why we should allow them to come. It’s an opportunity to bridge the gap, to find common ground. And besides, you know the Magister would love to be here.
Petra: Yes well… He’s the one good decision Regalia ever made.
Aristides took her hand in his.
Aristides: Think of it as a strategic mission, the objective is to foster alliances. Also I will be sure to limit interactions.
Petra: sighs Fine. For you, my trinket. This is as much your day as mine. Though I doubt Dorn will even affirm her presence.
Aristides kissed her had
Aristides: Thank you my love.
Aristides could see how much it hurt to swallow her pride like this, but it just showed how much he meant to her. He could read her like an open book, Aristides would never say this to her face but Petra and Regalia were of a piece. Limiting interactions was what got her to agree he knew as much, social gatherings only drained her more especially if they involved her sisters save for Magnolia and Hestia. His presents put her mind at ease for the moment, but the day her sisters arrive will be the longest day of her life. At least she got to build something amazing and spend days in peace with her trinket before then.