Was LBJ A Good Politician?

This isn't a question about how good of a president he was. This isn't a question on whether he was a good person. This isn't a question about whether you agree with his policies.

This what the question is: Was he a good politician?

He's consistently ranked as one of the best politicians that ever became the president of the US. But this confuses me. I'm not necessarily the most well versed in his career or the era he was in. But, truthfully for me, I don't get it. Why is he considered a great politician? He served one term as president, and was almost booed out of office over the Vietnam War issue.

Is it because he passed the the Civil Rights Act? Because, that sounds like people demonstrating policy preference over political skill gauging. Similar to how people say that Lincoln was a great president because he passed the Emancipation Proclomation. And I say: "No, that makes him a very left leaning and progressive President. The policy he introduced have nothing to do with his political skill, UNLESS you're judging him for how he brought it out, when, why, etc..." So, is there something special about the Civil Rights Act, beyond "He supported black people, he's a hero,"?

Why do you think LBJ was a good politician, and why do you think he's rated so highly?