Looking for fantasy league friends
Update: had a large amount of interest. Thank you all! I’m capping our league now, so if you got a response you’re good! If you’re just now seeing this, I’m closing our league. Thank you!
Hi everyone! I’m a commish in an espn (ease of use with a couple of returning players) and I’m hoping to find some folks who are into fantasy for a fun and casual experience. We don’t have a buy in, we love to chirp, and I hope some of you have some good team names picked out! As of this point I’ve got 4 teams in, with 3 offers pending. I’m not sure two will bite. But I’d like at least 8 teams to make it less super teams. As of now I’m the only preds fan and have a bruins fan and 2 Sabres fans…lol
If you’re low on fantasy hockey friends like I am, please consider joining and send me a direct message or drop a comment. I’ll answer anyway questions here in comments too. I will happily increase league size if enough people bite!
As a final note, some of us are parents, some are east coast, and one of our potential gm’s currently lives in Germany. My goal is to make a draft date close to season start that works for everyone’s schedule.
Thanks in advance and go Preds 🤘🏻