Tired of porn being normalized in relationships.

I’m tired of hearing that “all men look at it” or “you’ll never find a man who doesn’t so just get over it”. Why have we made this okay and seen as normal? It shouldn’t be. What’s the point of being in a relationship with a man if he constantly watches porn or looks at pictures of naked girls? Subscribes to OF??

I’ve seen so many girls post about how it bothers them, and the majority of comments tell them that’s it’s normal and to get over it, or to not take it personal. And then the girls end up agreeing at blame it on themselves being “insecure” and continue to let their boyfriend watch it behind their backs. Men will never understand how it hough for the person that you love and give your life to. I’m so tired of it being normalized.

This has ruined every relationship I’ve ever had and I’m tired of being told to just get over it. It actually is starting to make me so fucking angry.