Stopped watching porn... what now?

I had an addiction to porn for a couple of years until my last relationship. It partially mightve been because all the guys ive been with just arent good at sex. Like my ex was the only guy to ever make me finish every single time. he was very innocent, i was the first girl he held hands with, he never watched porn (hes always been an insane health nut). when I asked him why he never watched it he literally said that he just knew it was damaging and not healthy. So obviously with him as an influence mixed with our amazing sex life i quit watching it pretty easily. we were together 2 years. so almost 2 years no porn. we're broken up now. and im so sexually frustrated. Im at the point where porn isnt even interesting to me anymore, which I KNOW is good. but i cant just think because ill end up thinking about my ex or WORSE my ex situationships i had after him. so like what the fuck do i do. I literally cant fucking focus on just daily shit. because im just so fucking horny but i cant do anything. and Im not someone who finds hookup culture interesting or rewarding so thats not even a consideration. Should i just go back to watching porn???! im actually so lost.