It's Kelce!

Kelce loves Walmart & other specific store trips. (He stays inside his crate that safely sits inside the cart he's using at the time). He's a hit with most of the locals and out of towners - people of all ages and walks of life come up to the cart to visit and/or pet him. (They approach us in parking lots as well). It makes us feel pretty good to bring smiles and happiness to others. One of Kelce's Walmart admirers snapped a few photos and shared them (the enclosed pics) with me. I didn't know her beforehand. Imagine that! I love seeing the best sides of humanity. Kelce unwittingly brings this about. He enjoys people. I love my puppy so much! 💕🥰❤️💕🥰❤️ He loves it when his shopping cart can go up and down the aisles a bit faster than normal, when no one else is around, doing a few tight turns in the process. His fur blowing in the breeze! 😂