Clicking/knocking sound from water heater

Hi all. We had our home remodeled about 6 months ago and and had a Rheem 11GPM gas tankless water heater installed. All new copper piping as well.

Shortly after the water heater was installed, we would hear a clicking sound from various places. Initially it seemed to only happen when the recirculating pump was on (5am-10am and 5pm - 10pm) but now we notice it all the time. The plumber thought it was air being trapped in the line and installed a relief valve that doesn’t seem to have helped. He’s come over numerous times to inspect and has put additional straps on the pipe but the sound continues.

He’s now offered to swap out the heater for a different one at his cost. I’m not entirely opposed to it but can’t help but think this is installation issue, not a hardware one but hoping someone with more experience can chime in. Hopefully the sound on the video is clear up. TIA!