Theory: Carrot will arrive in Elbaf and have to fight a Pedro Homie.

Remember how in WCI it was shown that Homies retain the memories of the people whose lifespan they were created from?

And remember how Big Mom took 50 years of Pedro's lifespan?

Well it is practically a given that Big Mom is not dead and that she will arrive on Elbaf. Oda killing her off in Wano makes no sense and her conflict with the giants is unresolved.

Carrot wants to see Elbaf. This was set up during WCI, but she still lives in Pedro's shadow. So it makes sense that Big Mom will use his lifespan for one of her new Homies. A Homie that Carrot will end up fighting and his memories will awaken during the fight.

Long enough to explain to Carrot that she must take his place alongside Luffy and the Straw Hats.