How do I deal with food fears??
I (28F) have had an aversion to unknown foods since my early teens. My mom used to try to gaslight me into eating things by telling me I had them in the past and just didn't remember. When I had my daughter at 20 my body changed and I developed some allergies to foods I had no problems with in the past. Some even being my favorite foods. Since then I have completely avoided all foods I haven't had since my early pregnancy. To be clear, I had morning sickness and certain foods made me more sick than others so I had stopped eating them months before by daughter was born. As the years have gone by this fear has become worse and worse. It has become a fear of both new things and old. It's been a huge issue in my relationships. I won't even kiss my husband if he shares a straw with someone who I don't know what they've eaten. I've tried talking to my therapist about this and feel dismissed. I have severe anxiety so every time I feel strong and like I can conquer this fear I go to try it but end up on the floor sobbing. If I do manage to get it in my mouth I am in full on panic attack for the next 4-8 hours checking for allergic reactions. Has anyone else had any experience with this? I don't want to be like this forever. I should also note that this fear has also transfered over to medications as well.