Giveaway - 10 different builds
Greetings exiles,
after having completed all of my personal goals in PoE2 for this league, I would like to show my gratitude to the kind and wonderful people in this community by giving away gear from all of my beloved characters, including skill gems, jewels, off-pieces and advice/help on setting everything up for you so that you can run them with their given potential.
I have previously played a little bit of PoE1 years ago, just playing it casually without much thought, but ever since the PoE2 trailers have come out, I have been extremely excited to give PoE yet another go, as you may see from my hours played. I started basically knowing absolutely nothing, but now I think I have explored and tried all that I could, clearing T4 breach, T4 simulacrum, one shotting T4 Arbiter in a 3 player party, trying wonky builds, making Titan work, giving in to Stormweaver Spark, and for my final goal, to also host my very own giveaway!
As a note, every single one of the builds are fully capable of running T15 maps, with varying ease, depending on the build + map suffix, but all of them should be capable of running all the league mechanics + bosses. Some are already quite strong whilst other builds are somewhat fresh, but all of them still have lots of room for improvement! They will come with ingame tooltip screenshots attached to this post as well as a maxroll link for quick inspection that can also be imported directly into PoB. Another note, some gear/jewel/skill gem combinations might require certain levels for you to be able to set your character up properly, so just keep that in mind please.
Screenshots of the builds
Now without further ado, here's the list of the builds in question together with some tooltip DPS and a small note so you can have a bit of an idea of what the budget of the build is:
- Stormweaver Spark (73k Spark) maxroll - Widowhail + Sigil of Power + Melting Maelstrom - showcase
- Tempest Flurry Charged Staff Acolyte (33k dps Tempest) maxroll (of course also works with Invoker, Gemling) - showcase
- Deadeye Snipe Stormcaller (62k dps Snipe, Snipe example, though this was a bit older) maxroll - Bonestorm + Barrage tech for HIGH single target burst - showcase
- Infernalist Frost Mage AOE Clearer (7k Iceshard ingame - 250k~ dps in PoB) maxroll - Also good Single Target with Sigil of Power + Eye of Winter + Hypothermia - showcase
- One Shotter CoC Trampletoe Blood Mage (up to 68M damage with round of burst) maxroll - Also comes with a 350% rarity set - showcase
- Rapid Shot Machine Gun spam (262k Rapid Shot when in combat) maxroll - Can be played with Pathfinder, Invoker, Mercenary, Titan - showcase
- Comet Spam CoMD Fireflower Chronomancer (142k damage per comet) maxroll - Warning: Lots of screen shake! - Works with Chronomancer, Stormweaver, Blood Mage, Invoker - showcase
- Avatar of Fire Mace Strike HotG Titan (up to 20M damage with one HotG) maxroll - Note: lots of off jewels/skill gem combinations depending on content and would work best with an added 60%+ ingenuity belt - showcase
- Warbringer Reaver Phys Minions (5k Reaver ingame - 210k~ dps in PoB) maxroll - Warning for your ears, spammable Warcry :D - showcase
- PoisonConc QotF Pathfinder (90k dps PConc) maxroll - Note: Has Tanky ES Armor set with up to 6k ES without Grim Feast + Snakebite - showcase
How to participate
In order to participate, your account must be at least 10 days old and simply comment to this post with the number of the build you would like, however I will limit it to 1 build per user, so you would only need to write a number between 1-10. You can write anything else in the comment after that, I made a script specifically to help out with this, but it is important that the comment is a top-level comment, meaning directly to the post and not to a random comment.
I will be picking out random winners 48h (counting starts 20 minutes earlier) from the creation time of this post and like I mentioned above, I will be there to help you guys set up the builds, skill gems, rotations properly so rest assured that you can have a smooth takeover. I'm also picking 10 different commenters to receive 1 divine each, these won't include winners from the build, so we will have 20 people that will get awarded by the end.
Summary: 10 winners for all builds (1 per build) + 10 additional winners for 1 divine each = 20 unique, different winners in total
Giveaway has concluded! Thanks everyone for participating!
🎉 Congrats to the winners of the giveaway!
- Spark: u/ShinsoAlucard
- Tempest Flurry Charged Staff: u/Junhao597 (Claimed)
- Snipe Stormcaller: u/Tagichatn (Claimed)
- Infernalist Skeletal Frost Mages: u/vuec97 (Claimed)
- Blood Mage One-Shot CoC: u/inanimate111 (Claimed)
- Rapid Shot: u/Nice_Dimension_5953
- Comet Spam CoMD: u/elratoking (Claimed)
- Avatar of Fire Titan: u/Klutzy_Passenger8866 (Claimed)
- Warbringer Reavers: u/GhostOof (Claimed)
- PConc QotF: u/Lumpy_Bat_73
10 Additional winners for 1 Divine each:
- u/estorica (Claimed)
- u/bananashi_mumei
- u/dp176406
- u/SgtPlatypus123 (Claimed)
- u/edgar_barzuli_lazuli (Claimed)
- u/UnTacoLoco (Claimed)
- u/Zuralis (Claimed)
- u/DagonKnight1
- u/j3lly34 (Claimed)
- u/ShowFeetPls (Claimed)
In order to claim your prizes, please send me a DM within 24h to get things sorted out! If there are prizes left that aren't claimed after that, I will be picking out new winners instead!
Also please note that I'll have to sort through 20 people, so please be patient, I'll make sure to go through every single one of you!
Apologies for the delay, I'm not all too familiar with Reddit formatting and also doing this kind of a giveaway, so everything took a little bit longer than expected!
I hope that everything is set up properly and hopefully every build finds its new home!
Thanks and good luck
Edit: Added an imgur link to the Screenshots of the builds, since it didn't seem to be attached to the post, sorry for that!
Edit 2: Please, please, please post the number of the build you want as the very first thing in your comment, otherwise the script will not be able to pick that up! And choose only one number.
Edit 3: Damn, I didn't expect so many people to already have commented, but nice to see that there's still plenty of people looking for upgrades! Been updating the script as well and should be working with the majority if not all of the comments. Also nice to see that there's already a comment for each entry! Good luck peeps.
Edit 4: Added maxroll link to Titan, sorry for that!
Edit 5: I'd like to emphasize again that if you want to participate, the number of the build you want to have should be the first thing in your comment! I didn't expect soooooooooo many comments already, I can barely keep up with replying and making sure everyone has the number properly set in their comment. Thanks everyone and Good luck!
Edit 6: Added Deadeye Snipe footage from a while ago. Sadly don't have my T4 Breach Boss attempt anymore.
Edit 7: Really appreciate all the people joining in! Getting late now though so I'll have to pause with the replies in the meantime.
Edit 8: Will have to update the script since it ran into the rate-limit already, crazy. Certainly unexpected, but there's ways around it for sure.
Edit 9: Since there's still alot of people interested, I figured I'd also add short clips of every class now too, instead of just a select few. Though Stormweaver and Acolyte are on imgur links since I reached the daily upload limit on youtube.
Edit 10: With a little bit less than 21 hours left until the resolution, I did not expect this many entries to have come around (1800+ so far). So I would also like 10 additional (different) posters to receive 1 divine each and really empty my stash with my last remaining currency. I'm aware 1 div isn't all that much anymore, but this really is all I have left to give.
The script also works really well now, making sure it doesn't hit the rate limit and take every single valid entry into consideration! However that means that it needs a little pause in order to not get rate limited, and the overall execution time is at about 18 minutes~. This means I will most likely start counting 20 minutes earlier, so we can get the winners out exactly in time.
Thank you everyone and see you soon!
Edit 11: Alright people, the counting has begun! Good luck to everyone!
Edit 12: Small delay, the script is still running, as it has ran into close to rate-limit more often than before, so just a few more minutes!