3x giveaway: currency pack + 2x Builds: LA/posion PF sekhemas farmer
Giveaway over! Congrats to:
Winners pick post here
#END in 1h 29min from now @6:00am EST.
Joining the giveaway wave:
Il select 3 winners when I wake up in 8~ hours from now. Ill post a comment in the thread with the winners; please comment on which price you want on a first come first serve basis if you win.
- at least 30+ days old reddit account
- one character at 50+ ingame
How to join:
Comment below once.
Build #1: qotf pcoc/corpsewade sekhemas farmer:
showcase: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HsIZpJ-OVYw
pobb: https://maxroll.gg/poe2/pob/ou50j0dz
Additional stuff included:
- full quant/global defense relic set included
- mf gear for mapping
Build #2: LA deadeye mapper:
pobb: https://maxroll.gg/poe2/pob/pg5250dc
showcase: https://youtu.be/LYp5dpmAW0I
Additional stuff included:
- thief torment for ring swapping vs bosses
- polcirceln for ailment threshold maps
- morior invictus stats/res if you want to push the build further for stats stacking
Currency pack:
52 raw divine + 190ex