Do your son and daughter play together?
I have a little girl of four months and am thinking on whether I want a second. I’ve always pictured myself having two kids, but conception took long, the pregnancy was rough, the birth was traumatic and recovery is slow.
On top of that, I’m afraid that if it would be a boy, I’d have to entertain TWO kids simultaneously instead of them playing together. (Yes yes, there’s no guarantee of then playing together even if they’re both girls, but still… feels like better odds?)
I grew up only ever playing with (and relating to) girls. I have a younger sister and two female cousins close in age that I adored. My male cousins were much younger, and therefore nothing but a bother in my eyes. I was also the oldest cousin of the family, so always got stuck having to play with them and being bored out of my mind. My sister has a little boy now and she tells me often how mind-numbingly boring it is to play dinosaurs and cars and pirates every day. I think I’m a bit terrified of having a boy for those reasons.
Hm, this has gotten a bit rambly. I guess what I’m asking is:
Do your son and daughter play together? Do you like having a boy and a girl? How long post partum did you feel like you could properly think through and decide on having another baby?
Any insights welcome :)
Edit: oh dear, here come the downvotes for saying I’d be afraid of having a boy. Guys, I didn’t ask for this, okay? It really sucks, even though I’m sure I’d love a son just as much as soon as I had him. No one WANTS to have a gender preference. Believe me. If you’re one of the lucky people who never struggled with it and you somehow feel superior, I’m happy for you and please just… keep it to yourself ✌🏼