MIL said I’m going to raise a brat
I’m a FTM to a 7-month-old baby. My MIL visited our home last weekend for her monthly visit, as she lives far away. It was also the first time she saw my baby eating solid food.
Things took a turn during mealtime when she was appalled by the way I feed my child. We practice BLW, and my LO is a super champ at eating by herself —she can now put a spoon into her mouth and drink from an open cup. My MIL then started berating me, insisting that babies should be spoon-fed because they aren’t capable of self-feeding. At that point, I was getting annoyed but chose to ignore her.
What set me off, however, was when she repeatedly wiped my LO’s face, even as my baby grew whiny. I know my LO doesn’t like being constantly touched while eating, so I told my MIL to stop. She responded by saying I was going to raise a brat for “enabling” her whining. When my baby dislikes something, she’s very vocal about it, so I respect her space and offer reassurance when needed. She also said that I need to take control of my child, “nip the bud” as she said. She’s a freaking baby, ffs!
Because of that, Grandma will not be visiting again in the near future—at least not until I feel comfortable having her in my home.