Weaning my toddler. Need some encouragement.

It’s day 3 of weaning my 16 month old. She is a boobie monster 100%. I’m at the point where I produce almost no milk and she essentially uses me as a paci. I don’t mind it. It’s been an incredible bonding experience for us both but I’ve also been the solo parent to get her down for every nap and bed time for her entire life. I’m ready to be done.

She only nurses to go to sleep for night time and naps.

I started day 1 with attempting to drop 1 feed, in the middle of the night. She was so confused and upset, hitting me and saying “boobie.” I felt it best to just stop cold turkey because she can’t understand why I only let her nurse sometimes. I’m also trying to get back on medications to manage my health and I can’t get on any of them while nursing, so this is more urgent for us to stop.

Any success stories for weaning? I’ve gotten about 6 hours of sleep in 3 days. Her dad helps a ton but still, I could get her to sleep in 10 min on the boob and now it’s like a 90 minute ordeal. Just needing some encouragement that this won’t last forever.