Unexplained eventos
Hello, this might sound a bit crazy or hard to believe. I’m someone who is very skeptical. I find it difficult to believe in ghosts or stories about fairies and goblins.
I’ve been seeing things for a while now. I see things floating, shadows passing quickly out of the corner of my eye. I feel like I’m being watched or that someone is talking to me… this mostly happens at work. I feel like I’m being observed from the doorway. I also see things floating. When I enter my workplace, I feel a very strong and negative energy. By the time I leave, I feel extremely tired, nauseous, and unwell in general.
The most intense thing happened 4 nights ago. I was lying in bed watching TV while my boyfriend was playing on his computer at his desk. My cat was sleeping at my feet, and out of nowhere, she woke up with her fur completely bristled. She looked scared and made a big leap to my side. Suddenly, I felt a very strong and fast wind pass in front of me. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a kind of large cloud to my right. It was white and transparent, almost like a cloud. I panicked and screamed. My boyfriend asked me what happened.
Today at work (I’m a housekeeper in a hotel), I was picking something up from the floor when I felt someone blow on the back of my neck. It startled me, and I noticed that the lights turned on in the room across from mine (in the hotel, the only way to turn on the lights is with a card that has to be inserted). However, there was no card… I felt very watched in that room.
I don’t know what it could be. What do you think?