3 Kids and Some Paranormal Activity

My childhood best friend and I used to love filming videos when we were younger. Little short movie films, videos of just us hanging out. We were latchkey kids so when her parents and aunts went out for a couple hours, we'd stay home with some of her cousins. One night it was her (12), me (12) and her baby cousin who was around 6 at that time. I had brought my camera with me so we decided to shoot a lil horror movie. Her cousin chose to be our ghost, we were trying to film it like Paranormal Activity, so we had her hide in the bathroom adjacent the kitchen and make some banging and scratching noises. We only filmed for about 15-20 minutes then took a break to watch what we had so far.

Remind you, no one else is home except us and her two dogs who are in the kitchen with us too. We get to the part in the video when her cousin starts banging on the walls but then we start hearing voices whispering outside so we pause the video. We look around then at each other but the whispering stops seconds after pausing the video so we shrug it off. Her cousin still wants to film but we tell her we should wait a little while since we started to feel a little creeped out to be honest. We're sitting around the kitchen table just talking and we hear this loud bang. It scares the shit out of us and we jump up and sorta huddle together. My best friend and I look at each other because it sounded exactly as it did when her cousin made the banging noises except her cousin was right next to us this time and we weren't filming anything. We looked at the dogs who were also just as confused then looked back down the hallway where the bathroom and the noise were. We hear another bang on the wall but much lighter this time, nothing else happened after that.

Finally, after about 10-15 minutes we hear her parents in the driveway. Her mom comes busting thru the door asking if any of us were in the bedroom window waving at her (her mom is a psychic medium so she can hear and see spirits). We all looked at each other then back at her and shook our heads no and then she runs into the room, damn near breaks the door down but no one's in there. Then we asked her if any of them had banged on the side of the house earlier or something and they had all said no. We never tried to film another horror movie after that. We don't know what the banging noises were, we don't know who her mom saw in the window. Thankfully, we've always believed in the unexplainable and paranormal so no one thought were lying or having an 'active imagination'.