I'm undertone blind - please help!

I feel totally undertone colour blind at this point lol. I thought I was warm for years, but have been ID'd by others as neutral, cool and olive as well at various times. Would love to figure this out once and for all because I'm about to rebuild my makeup kit from scratch and it would be amazing to get it spot on.

Picture 1: outside, indirect natural light

Picture 2: outside, indirect natural light with gold and silver jewellery

Picture 3: outside, direct sunlight

Picture 4: outside, direct sunlight with gold and silver jewellery

Picture 5: indoors, natural light (indirect? taken next to frosted window)

Picture 6: indoors, artificial light from 2700k extra warm white bulb

Picture 7: indoors, artificial light from 2700k extra warm white bulb with gold and silver jewellery