Pots and gastroparesis - what could have caused it?

33M and diagnosed with gastroparesis and POTS 6 months ago following a month long period of non stop vomiting. I’ve experienced some weird GI issues that have come and gone for a decade that had been put down as GERD but a GES in June showed I have moderate gastroparesis. The POTS symptoms are very inconsistent since presenting acutely 6 months ago they have considerably lessened. I have some usual triggers like eating, showers, post exercise and illness but there are many times where my heart rate will sit around 75 while standing (while unmedicated). My resting heart rate is naturally quite low though at 55-60. I do take propranolol only as needed. I strangely also noticed I no longer sweat from my face and sweat a lot less in general.

Only other history of note is slightly high blood pressure, ACL reconstruction 18 months ago, 4 years of ongoing allergy desensitising immunotherapy injections (for dust and pollen) and an ablation for SVT when I was a teen.

Does anyone have both POTS and gastroparesis diagnoses? If so, have you been able to identify a cause? Is it possible for gastroparesis to present years prior to POTS? For a decade I experienced periods of vomiting, constipation and fullness but it felt more like flares that would go away after a few days or weeks.

In terms of causes, from what I’ve read it sounds like almost everyone that has both seems to have hEds. I don’t have any particularly stretchy skin and only my knees slightly hyperextend - otherwise I’m quite inflexible in general. Another suggested cause I have read is permanent damage to the vagus nerve. But I’d assume if it was permanent nerve damage my heart rate wouldn’t be able to be in the 60s-70s while standing at times?

My neurologist tells me she’s seen people who have recovered from POTS/dysautonomia but I’m skeptical about this since reading people’s experiences in forums like these.