POTS, dysautomnia or maybe not?
So I’ve had a lot of symptoms of dysautomnia and POTS recently.
I’ve had a real stressful month because I started having low BG randomly so was in and out of hospital then my sleep pattern got messed up and I had insomnia for the first time in my life where I didn’t sleep a peep for a few nights, I started sleeping again but disturbed, could never sleep fully. Then I started having chest pains like squeezing in my heart, palpitations, nerve pains, pains in my hands etc lots of hospital again they reassure me it’s all good it’s anxiety they say.
Not convinced it’s anxiety because my anxiety comes from my symptoms not the other way around though I accept my anxiety probably worsens the symptoms quite a lot and makes it worse. But during all this I’ve been locked in fight or flight on red alert mode, my chest feels funny all the time, if someone speaks to me I feel like I can’t cope with the stress like I’m just gonna stop or pop.
Every time they take my HR and BP it’s always a bit elevated though I imagine this is because I big it up in my mind, if I wore a smart watch my BPM might say 70 or so but if I get a reading from BP monitor it’d say something higher like 80-low 100s.
I’ve just had insomnia again after all the hospital stuff this time not sleeping for 4 full days only to sleep from 10-5am last night.
I feel slightly better than I have done at my worst, I don’t feel so locked in fight or flight right now but still fragile.
I heard about POTS and dysautomnia and it resonated, this isn’t something I’ve felt before only over the past month I was always anxious but not like trapped in a state of fight or flight but when they were saying it’s just anxiety I knew it wasn’t true because I was managing my anxiety better it was obviously my nervous system isn’t regulating properly.
I did a POTS test that chat gpt told me about, lay down for 10 mins took BPM and BP, stood up immediately did it again, did it within 3 mins then another 10 mins
I can add the results if anyone is bothered to read it but my HR fluctuated 43 BPM from when I was lay down to 10 mins after I was standing up. But again i think I do artificially bump up my numbers when I take them by stressing and just thinking about it.
This would normally indicate POTS, but my question is: could it be that you effectively pass the criteria for POTS, even have the symptoms but it be because your super tired, stressed, just overall not working at your best?
Because on a normal day I don’t have these symptoms they’ve just popped up during my stressful month.
Does this test result indicate I should seriously be looking into dysautomnia and this route or perhaps normal that I’m all over the place given the circumstance?