Ozempics impact on Dopamine?
So I'm really intrigued by this medication, particularly the role it might play in regulating dopamine, is anyone aware of any studies that look into it's effects in regards to dopamine? I'd also be interested in any anecdotal reports of ex-addicts and whether ozempic has an impact on addiction seeking behavior.
To veer off into speculative territory, I'm really interested in exploring the possibility that addictive behaviors could have a biological basis in the brains food-seeking survival mechanism, that when the body goes into fight or flight mode the brain reads that as "go get food NOW", which manifests as dopamine seeking activities, and that people soothe that physiological drive in a number of ways, including drug abuse, alcohol, smoking, gambling and, of course, food addiction. They all do the job of satisfying that dopamine need, and the brain just translates that as "food found, survival mode over" and it can relax. What if ozempic is working at a fundamental level to quieten that inner unrest of the body and brain, incorrectly or correctly, reading the environment as threatening and sending it into fight or flight mode?
I'm not on the medication myself, and have no plans to get on it, but boy am I interested in seeing where the research goes with this one.