Exposing the Lie of DPS Doomfist

The true problem with Doom was the poor design direction of support heroes in OW1.

There were 4 supports (and Symmetra), with Mercy and Ana being the only capable healers. Every Support was designed to not be able to win fights against enemy heroes.

Before Brig released (and afterwards excluding her), Zenyatta and Ana instantly die to any dive heroes. Lucio's Wall Riding was also still not very well polished at this point. Leaving only Mercy as the only capable support with 60hps and multiple resurrections. Even so, Guardian Angel was an ass mobility option and her entire kit revolved around non-engagement with the enemy team.

Any and every support caught isolated from their team fell over like a stack of cards regardless of the heroes engaging them.

Not a DPS Doom issue.

Doomfist has the most clear cut weakness and strengths of any other hero ever released.

Yes, he can dominate, yes he is the worst hero when played incorrectly. So the skill-based hero required skill, this is a pro -- not a con.

Doomfist cannot kill you immediately with his primary. Hanzo and Widowmaker both can.

Doom's primary damage scales from 122 point blank headshot to ~12 at 15m and 1.8 at 30m. Hanzo One-Shots at any range and Widowmaker One-Shots up to 80 meters.

Doom has 4 shots and a 3s full reload when emptied. Hanzo does not reload, and Widowmaker has 7 shots before a 1.5s reload.

This is important because it forces Doom to rely on his abilities to survive. He cannot spam (like the aforementioned heroes) and get "free" kills. He does not have an infinite amount of tries from a risk free distance to One-Shot a hero. He must be in close range, and he will be punished for mistakes. (again, unlike the aforementioned heroes)

But the conversation is never about Doom's primary it's always his abilities.

So Rocket Punch: a One-Shot every 4s (when positioned perpendicular to a wall) compared to a One-Shot up to 80m every 0.83s. A player cannot control whether the enemy shoots their head, but is entirely in control of their positioning.

Not only is it far less frequent and far more in the enemy player's control to avoid, but it also forcibly displaces Doom into risk. Allowing him to be punished for missing as opposed to missing a One-Shot 80m away, and being entirely risky free to take their time for the next shot (in 0.83s).

While Doom, Widowmaker, and Hanzo all are required to charge their weapons and are slowed during this charge, Doom is the only one that loudly announces his presence while charging.

Seismic Slam's ramp-up forcibly created a niche power position for Doom in which he was only good on high altitude maps and only in specific locations with specific set-ups.

This is the only poorly designed part of Doom's kit.

This is because it was ONLY GOOD against INEXPERIENCED players. Doom players would slam the same locations on the same maps constantly, so immediately after experiencing these locations they can easily be avoided in all matches afterwards. This is the Cheesy/Gimmicky part of the hero.

This is because it is so easily avoided and countered, but has to be experienced first to have the knowledge that it occurs.

While it is LOUD, has TRAVEL TIME, and physically displaces Doomfist into risk so he CAN BE PUNISHED (Meaning the most gimmicky/cheesy part of Doom's kit is still better designed in terms of risk-to-reward and effort-to-reward than Hanzo, Widowmaker, Soldier, Cassidy, Ashe, Sojourn (any hitscan/ ranged hero)).

This part of Doom's kit needed to be removed. Replacing the Ramp-Up Damage with Range instead, would increase the chances Doom hits more players ALERTING THEM to the Doom player's engagement, creating more situations in which players will peel for his engagements, and also making more sense to increase his survivability and making him far less niche.

In GM, DPS Doom was only viable when manipulating map geometry/Seismic Slam targeting bugs to reach 125 damage in unintended locations.

Let's clear up the mass misinformation that plagues this community regarding Uppercut:

Uppercut does not stun. It is a knockback:
- Does not Interrupt abilities/weapons.
- Prevented movement for 0.7s (For 4 years).
- Physically displaced enemies upward, and in an arc away from Doomfist.

Flashbang, Reinhardt's Pin, Roadhog's Hook, and Mei's freeze are stuns:
- Interrupts Abilities/Weapons.
- Prevents activation of abilities and weapons.
- Stops all Momentum.
- Prevents all movement.

Cassidy's Hinder and Sombra's Hack are silences:
- Interrupts Abilities.
- Prevents activation of abilities.
- Stops all Momentum.

Uppercut was the core of DPS Doom's kit, as it was the middle man for setting up the other aspects of his kit.
- Allowed him to get to high ground for Seismic Slam activation.
- Prevented Rocket Punch from colliding with enemies when escaping.
- Has Offensive aspects for setting up Primary Shots.

This gives Uppercut a wealth of options for different reasons to engage in different manners. Allowing players many meaningful decisions regarding his kit.


Doomfist is better designed than half the Overwatch Roster in terms of Skill/Effort/Risk-to-reward.

Uppercut was/is not a stun. Please stop spreading misinformation regarding this ability.

If Overwatch took the OW2 support heroes, and put them into any meta of OW1, the support experience becomes infinitely better. It was and has never been because of Doom or any other DPS that they were essentially free kills for anyone on the roster. The developers had intentionally designed them in that way.