My experience with the report system
TL;DR: a string of false reports triggered an automatic ban. Appealed and got unbanned. Lesson: appeal if your sanction is unjust.
A few days ago I had a long session of ranked. I did placements on all 3 roles and then continued for a few games on DPS.
To me, this day was uneventful (I had days where it felt the server toxicity levels were off the charts). But for the Blizzard report system, it was a busy day on my account.
First, i have the flag of Jordan in my profile icon because it's the closest thing to the flag of Palestine (not present in the game). This brought me a series of reports from a group of 3 people (maybe more from the lobby joined in the bandwagon) that accused me of being a terrorist sympathizer and sand-nword. I crossed paths with these guys for about 3 games, and also in the Deathmatch lobby during queue.
Second, i was accused of wallhacking by a duo (dps and their Mercy pocket). I was doing placements and the MMR distribution was all over the place. This was around a high Platinum lobby and I usually play at low-mid Masters. Again, maybe more people joined in to report since these guys were loud in chat about me being a "wallhacker".
Third, i'm argentinian and i'm active in voice chat. Most players in the South America server are from Brasil, and this is normally not an issue. There is animosity between the two countries, and we usually have some banter, but not like this. This day was straight up xenophobia. The moment i said "hola team" in voice, all 4 of my teammates started treating me like shit, calling me "eeee boludo" + every shittalk possible. This went on until i left VC. But they continued on text chat.
We lost that game. I avoided and reported them. But it's very late on a weekday, on a low population server... Now i'm playing against this 4 stack for 3 GAMES IN A ROW. They chase me around the map, counterpick me at every point, and continue the harassment on text chat, asking the rest of the lobby to report me for being "racist" (i never said a single thing).
The next day i wake up to the email of "your account has been suspended".
I have been muted on voice chat for similar non-reasons in the past but i didn't bother to appeal the ban because i wasn't even playing that much. I should have appealed because now this counts as "strike 2".
I create a ticket and appeal the suspension. This was over the weekend so it took a couple of days between responses, but... it seems an actual human revised the case and my suspension got lifted.