Persistent urge call for recognition
Permanent urge to urinate 100% of the time, This constant sensation, which doesn’t improve after voiding, makes life unbearably difficult. Yet, despite its profound impact, this condition remains unrecognized as a distinct medical entity. Existing medical terms fail to capture the unwavering nature of this symptom: Urinary urgency (ICS: R39.15) refers to a sudden, episodic need to urinate. This is not aligned with the constant, persistent sensation experienced in this condition. Urinary frequency (R35.0) focuses on how often someone urinates but ignores the ongoing sensory experience of a constant urge that never relents. Sensation of incomplete emptying (R39.14) describes a post-void feeling of residual urine. However, this is distinct from the 24/7 false signal that defines this condition. These terms do not reflect the reality of living with this symptom, leaving those who suffer from it misunderstood and often mistreated for decades. If you or someone you know experiences this symptom, let’s come together and advocate for recognition and investigation.