the new video is great but i have one problem with it

the problem i have is with how oversimplified brushed over the importance of the battle of the metaurus and hannibals brother hasdrubal. in his video the battle is just portrayed as, "hasdrubal left spain, for no reason. and got defeated as soon as he entered spain, the end". the battle is a lot more important than that.
the famous historian  Edward Creasy even considered the battle to be among the 15 most important battles of all time.
i'll explain why: as explained in the video, hannibal didn't have the strenght to take the city of rome. he asked carthage for help but they instead send the reinforcements to spain. after beign defeated by scipio, hasdrubal answered his brothers call for help and took a big part of the army to italy, when he arrived, it also gave a boost to the celtic tribes, who were starting to give up and surrendering, but with hasrubal arriving many joined him, thinking carthage came to help them. Hasdrubal and hannibal hoped to join the two armies and together they would take rome (this combined force would be strong enough to take rome imo). Hasdrubal send a messenger to hannibal to tell him he had arrived and also were the two armies would meet up, but the romans intercepted this message, knowing where hasdrubal would go they decided to ambush him.
Hasdrubals death is kinda epic, when he found out he was surounded and defeated instead of fleeing he rallied his forces and decided to charge into the romans, fighting to the last instead of fleeing and risking capture.

the reason this battle is important is because a combined hasdrubal hannibal force would have been able to take rome and force a truce. With the defeat and death of hasdrubal, there was no longer any way carthage could win this war. Also i kinda felt like Hasdrubal was portrayed as a weak general, but he held back the scipio brothers for years and even defeated and killed them fair and square.

TL;DR: the battle of the metaurus is way more important then was shown in the video, also hasdrubal isn't a bad general as portrayed. otherwise a great video