What if Zoro's swords are all carrying mythical devil fruits.
So Zoro seems to have a few crazy feats which are for now impossible to explain. Amongst the big Zoro questionsn, what's that Asura form, what that grim reaper, and to a lesser extent why does Emma steal Zoro's haki. It's as if all these sword have a will, kinda like mythical zoan fruits.
1) Wado ichimonji is Zoro's sword who he inherited from Kuina, who mysteriously died. "She fell in the stairs" sounds really weird, especially in the One Piece World. Maybe Kuina's father knew that the sword carried the Grimm Reaper. Maybe the Grimm Reaper takes only the lives of the weak while denying death to it's wielder if worthy. Zoro never spoke after enduring Luffy's pain from Kuma, a pain that should have killed anybody enduring it. Zoro might have encountred Death here and more recently against King. I would even argue that he survived Mihawk's cut early in the story thans to the only sword that did not shatter. Zoro might have escaped death all this time, by being respected by his sword.
2) Now Sandai Kitestu would be the sword that grants hin his Asura form (a phenomenon that no one can explain rn). We saw that a weapon with a devil fruit can transform in that devil fruit ( Funkfreed, etc.), we saw that a weapon can manifest it's devil fruit (Shamrock with Cerberus), why wouldn't a devil fruit weapon be able to transform it's owner to certain a extent (Kind like Mjolnir transform Thor into Thor in the Marvel Universe).
4) Enma, the name is pretty explicit. Enma the king of Hell (pretty nice) for now, nothing super weird about that sword, it's just super strong, cuts everything like it' paper and has nice purple haki flames/clouds/aura. But it's very intresting to see Zoro talk to Enma, as if Enma had a mind of it's own. The sword not only uses the Haki of it' owner, it steels it.
Let me know if you like this theory and what you think of it.