Who's gonne be Kidd's Commanders along with Killer. It might be Enel and Urouge.

So as we know the Yonko Level commander all have a group of 3 super strong commander. The Calamities for Kaido, the sweet commander for Big Mom; Ben Beckmann, Lucky Roux for Shanks; Burgessn, Shiryuu and Van Augur for Blackbeard ; and Marco, Oden/Ace and Jozu for Whitebeard.

As for Buggy the real Yonko is Mihawk, and his commanders are Crocodile, Buggy and i suspect Gecko Moria to join them.

The king of Pirates had his two wings (Scopper Gabban and Silver Rayleigh) but I think we can add Oden to that trio. And then we have luffy who also has his 2 wings ( Sanji and Zorro).

It wouldn't be far fetch to assume that Kid who might be on the shores of Elbaf is gonna add two strong pirates tonhis crew. And it seems that Elbaf is gonna be the arc where two characters (Enel and Urouge) are gonna come back.

I can imagine Kidd having to reconstruct himself and his worth, by fighting strong people and maybe making them join his crew. Kidf against Enel would be an amazing fight as Electricity and Magnetisme are closely linked. While Urouge might join Kidd for some other reason (maybe bringing Enel to reason). What's better to reconstruct yourseld than winning against "God" ? 🧲 ⚡️

I also would like to see Law adding 1 or two strong pirates next to Beppo and his current crew.