Cancelling Doctoral Capstone Experience
Hello all -
I'm an OT student nearly done with my OTD degree. Just 4 weeks of Level IIs left and I will have done everything my masters' classmates did before taking the boards. I'm currently on an OTD track and lined up to do my doctoral capstone experience in a dream field (I literally switched to OTD solely to study this particular topic, as it's been a lifelong passion of mine). But at this point, I really wish I could just finish. I feel like a burden to my family who is supporting me, especially my wonderful wife who is working hard at a sucky job just so I can finish my degree. To be clear, NOBODY has made me feel like a burden, and I feel incredibly loved and supported. I'm just tired of depending on my wife's hard work - if I was working, she'd have more freedom to figure something better out. Have you guys ever heard of someone in my positioning pivoting and graduating with a masters' degree just so I can take the dang boards and start pulling my weight?