Berry VMI Scoring
Hi everyone! I administered the Beery-VMI to a middle school student (12 years, 11 months) who scored the following:
VMI: Standard Score- 80 (Below Average) VP: Standard Score- 70 (Low) Motor Coordination- 60 (Very Low)
But see attached writing sample below. It appears to be legible to me? He is functioning well in class just some sensory supports are needed based on the SPM results as well. What do you all think? Thanks!
Hi everyone! I administered the Beery-VMI to a middle school student (12 years, 11 months) who scored the following:
VMI: Standard Score- 80 (Below Average) VP: Standard Score- 70 (Low) Motor Coordination- 60 (Very Low)
But see attached writing sample below. It appears to be legible to me? He is functioning well in class just some sensory supports are needed based on the SPM results as well. What do you all think? Thanks!