Men, do other men put their hand on your shoulder when they talk to you?

I am 35 year old female. 3 separate male individuals (ages 40-65) routinely touch my back or shoulder while talking to me in the workplace.

I really want to know - have males EVER experienced this? (My men or women I guess)

Two of these guys are relatively benign they don't give me the creeps. They just always touch me before starting a convo if they are within proximity. They are very kind all around and a bit older.

One does give me the creeps. But different story.

Edit: I should point out I'm asking for more non-creepy encounters. The two gentleman are really kind people, they just start conversation like that. Do guys experience that amongst other guys?

The creepy one, I agree, it's cause he likes me and I want him far away from me.