So one of my wife's best friends eats ONLY cheese and potatoes, and has for years. How the hell is that woman functioning ok?
She doesn't eat other veg, despite being a vegetarian so no meat. Doesn't do pasta. Doesn't like bread. Basically just eats formas of french fries and cheese, but I think other potato forms are involved. I think she'll eat some candy too, and maybe certain snack chips and crackers. But it's really cheese and potato I want to make that clear.
How is this woman ok? From talking to my wife it sounds like she has been this way for years. Since childhood/teenage years at some point.
How can she handle such little food and nutrient variety does she not need the other vitamins?! She's like had a kid and become a psychologist in that time too how can you do that fueled only by cheesy potato??
Edit: Woah this blew up ok.
No this isn't the lady from that TV show.
She looks healthy, normal. She's a pretty short woman small frame good shape.
To those saying she probably has whatever condition, to my knowledge she's not diagnosed with anything except ADHD, but I really don't know and it's not really my business.