I want to love this franchise..
Nioh fans go hard. I’ve never played these games, but I follow the subreddit because I figure one of these days I’m going to cave.
From the outside looking in the mechanics seem very cumbersome, and the UI looks oddly messy.. but the enthusiasm of this community has me wondering about what I’m missing out on.
My understanding is that it’s like souls but more fighting game influenced combos and an ungodly amount of inventory management? Oh and an empty story but it doesn’t even matter because the gameplay is unparalleled..
This is just what I’ve gathered in passing
What’s the deal?
It’s on sale right now so I’m this close to buying . .
Edit: based on your responses you guys make the game sound like I’m about to embark on a four year college program… like is there a degree waiting for me at the end? Cuz it sounds TECHNICAL. Good or bad, I guess it depends on how much time I’m willing to spend. Tough decision for me