horrid mental/physical side effects after second insertion, advice?
hey all. this is a bit hard to admit, and a bit hard to put out there, but im seriously at a low.
to start off, i got my first nexplanon in April 2021. i had no bad experiences, in fact i loved it. my only side effects were irregular periods, which never truly messed me up much. i got it removed after almost 4 years on January 2nd, and had a new one immediately placed in during that appointment.
a couple days in, i started noticing side effects ive never felt before. starting with physical ones, im bloating like crazy. my stomach has been rock hard. i get extreme cravings for specific food items. i almost feel as if im on my period, because ive been cramping extremely badly, but there has been no blood. my discharge also smells more. not bad, it's just more noticeable.
next onto mental issues. i have been extremely irritable. i have been getting extremely angry/sad at things that used to never bother me at all. i get jealous easier. and, of course, im having extreme suicidal thoughts. even if i struggle with mental illness outside of this, i hadn't attempted to take my own life until the new insertion. i haven't had mental breakdowns this bad in a long, long time. im so exhausted. i have been through years of therapy and medication before this point, and i was very mentally stable before this.
i really don't want to remove it either. the iud doesn't seem like a great option for me, because i already struggle with extreme cramps and bloating, and my time on the pill was worse than this. considering the current political climate as well, i would prefer to keep a long lasting birth control in my body rather than a prescription based option.
has anybody had an experience similar to this? does anybody have any advice? is this a thing i should just ride out?