Tips for a difficulty baby

Good morning fellow parents, I'm here again for you help for different situations. My baby is now 8 weeks old but he's struggling again with his sleeps. 1) during the day he sleeps for maximum 30/40 minutes, after that he's fully awake. 2) it's impossible to put him in a bassinet or in a crib. We tried everything we found, every trick we known to get him used to sleep detached from us but few minutes after we put him down he wakes up even angry and starts screaming. 3) he sleeps only attached to us, during the day and especially during the night. He usually fall asleep only if we cuddle him in our arms for a lot of time, then he passed out. We tried different carriers but few seconds after we put him in he start moving right and left the head crying at full volume. Eventually he passed out but it takes a lot of time (even on hour)... 4) he is an incredible active sleeper, during his sleep he moves A LOT and sometimes he eventually cryes, it's very difficult to sleep with him considering that he sleeps only on us. 5) during his sleep he react to everything!!! Little sounds or movement seems to wake him up, he throws his arms in the air and start shaking. He is so sensitive to everything... 6) he is growing and after every breastfeed he seems really satisfied and happy but within an hour he always starts crying full volume, every time!!! We're really really tired, all those things together are really heavy on us, mentally, emotionally and physically. What can we do? What mistakes we're making?