Do we need to wake baby up to feed?
My baby was sleeping 4-5 hours stretch at night and 3hrs naps in the day at 4w old. Then we visited 3 pediatricians for some check-up at 6w and all of them asked us to feed baby at 3-hr intervals, even at night. So we have to wake up the poor little thing and feed him. His weight is normal at 50th percentile. Does it make sense? I keep seeing people here feed on demand or their baby sleeps so long at night, is there any reasons why 3 pediatricians recommended the same 3-hr feed routine? None of them said anything was wrong with my baby. One of them said something about babies can't regulate their blood glucose level so need to keep feeding at short intervals.
Also, how much does your baby drink per day? There is a popular formula used by pediatricians in our country: total volume to be fed in 1 day = weight (in kg) × 150ml. So our 8w baby need to drink at least 700ml per day and we are struggling at 550ml - 600ml per day. And here on this forum I saw people with 4 month old babies drinking 700ml a day so I'm wondering if the formula is not realistic.