When did you move your baby into their own room?

At what age did you move your baby out of your room into their own?

She sleeps well with us and I'm a bit nervous of risking that, plus my PNA would be a nightmare (we haven't seen her roll in her sleep bag so I'd be worried about that).

She's nearly 8 months atm!

Edit - didn't expect so many replies to this, I've read them all, thank you for sharing your experience here! In a weird way I love that it's so varied, confirms that there's no "rule" to this and we're all just doing our best and what works for us (even though in the UK generally 6 months is advised/the norm). Others around me have made the move already and I'm happy clinging on a bit longer, glad I'm not alone in this! Good work mamas (and any dad's in here) 🩷