Idk who needs to hear this but Whether you pump 2oz or 6oz at a time—if your baby is fed & happy then it does not matter.
Whether you manage to get back into a work out routine right away or not—if you’re strong enough to hold & cuddle your new baby, it doesn’t matter.
I’m a ftm, 2 months pp, & Ive been so discouraged that my body hasn’t “bounced back”. I’ve felt less than when trying everything under the sun to build up a freeze-worthy amount of bm.
But the truth is, it’s impossible for me to have known how my body would handle pregnancy, birth & the fourth trimester until I went through it for the first time. So I had built up all of these expectations for how labor would go, how quickly I’d be back to having sex, how nice it was going to be to get back into my size 5 jeans—
And then it dawned on me, the more I look at my little baby who loves me, needs me and could not care less that the clock is ticking: it doesn’t matter.
When they’re grown & don’t remember a thing from this season of our lives—nobody’s gonna care if you were an underproducer or an overproducer, took 2 months or 2 years to get back in shape, supplemented or ebf.
Time is truly fleeting and if your baby is thriving then you are already doing the most—you’re already enough. So there’s no need to compare, one isn’t better than the other. Love yourself & stay hydrated <3
Thanks for reading ~