Baby never sleeps during the day
I’ve brought it up with his ped. She gave me suggestions I’ve already read.
I’m just at a loss. My almost 3mo baby takes absolute crap naps during the day. Today he has only slept 3 hours and it’s 7:30pm.
He sleeps decently at night, sometimes even 4-5 hour long stretches. But during the day, not a wink but maybe 3-4 30-45 mins naps. He isn’t even upset. He’s a super calm and happy baby. Smiles and giggles and coos all day long. He does get restless and upset a times especially in the evening but rarely ever all that inconsolable.
What do I do?? My ped is great but I think I did not emphasize how bad it really is. He averages 12 hours daily sleep. I’m scared this will affect his development